Viete ako pôsobí cukor na vaše telo a zdravie? Viete ako pôsobia prírodné sladidlá a čím sa od seba líšia? Chcete vedieť ako zdravo mlsať a popritom si podporiť zdravie a energiu? Rád vám na tieto a iné otázky ohľadne zdravia odpovie poradca zdravého životného štýlu a Bio človek roka 2012 Peter Planieta. Dlhoročné skúsenosti a množstvo uzdravených ľudí svedčia o jeho kvalitách.
Are you aware of huge effect of sugar on your body and health? Are you aware of effect of natural sweeteners? Do you know the difference between them? Would you like to eat sweets and be healthy at the same time? You can discuss these and other questions about your health with a specialist in healthy living and Bio Man of the year 2012 Peter Planieta. His wealth of experience in the field and many people healed by his methods are testament to his quality (in Slovak).