Než začal produkovať pod vlastým menom, nahrával pod menom King Roc. V roku 2009 vydal svoj debutový album ktorý bol skvelo prijatý na medzinárodnej scéne, vrátane albumu mesiaca v DJ Mag a 10 z 10-ich v iDJ Mag. Časopisom DJ Mag bol nominovaný na najlepšieho UK producenta a najlepší album 2009 po boku Jamie Jonesa a Skream-a. Martin je producentom, ktorý má schopnosť vymaniť sa zo škatuľky jedného žánru, a využiť svoj talent na prakticky čokoľvek sa mu zapáči … ale s láskou hlboko zakorenenou k house music kde sa cíti najviac doma. Dawsonova pestrá produkcia sa pravidelne objavuje v setoch svetových DJs ako Laurent Garnier, Tiefschwarz, Radioslave, Nick Curly alebo Luciano. Môžete sa tešiť aj na domácu MIE zostavu, DJs Glaubic & Haberland a chillout/dropout stage s dvojkou Mishek & C.O.D.E.
With the arrival of 2011 Martin Dawson can reflect back on the past few months and definitely feel satisfied. In just 12 months he has had some very successful releases and worked with some of the best labels in underground house including Cocoon, Crosstown Rebels, Get Physical and Moodmusic. The move to work under his own name came off the back of a very fruitful career working under his alternative guise – King Roc. With King Roc, he was nominated by DJ Mag for best UK producer and best artist album 2009 along the likes of Jamie Jones and Skream. Martin is a producer that has the ability to steps out of the box of just one genre and can turn his talent to anything that takes his fancy… but with a deep rooted love of house music. You can also look forward to MIE resident homies, DJs DJs Glaubic & Haberland and chillout / dropout stage with funky duo Mishek & CODE.
24. Jún 2011 piatok [MIE] meets Celebrate Originality, Nu Spirit Club
DJ Martin Dawson (Moodmusic, Get Physical/UK),
DJs Glaubic & Haberland, Bar Lounge: DJs Mishek & C.O.D.E.
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