Minimax meets Dresden II!

V auguste to bolo po prvý krát kedy sme v Radosti meetli Dresdenboyz. Po podarenej cezhraničnej spolupráci hostíme dvoch domácich borcov z Drážďaň opäť.

Tento krát prídu rovný aj polámaný beat. Oliver Harrlich hráva všeličo, breaky, electro aj rovný beat, bude to pestré…jeho kolega Dominik Raiser, ktorý sa našiel v house aj techne pôsobiaci na striedačku v Drážďanoch aj v Stuttgarde udrie nemeckým technom, Dominik je polovicou projektu Easty Boys.

Kevi Anavi s Violettou doplnia hostí svojím obvyklým spôs obom. Príď čeknúť ako to hrajú naši nemeckí kamoši v bratislavskej premiére!

We’ve met the Dresdenboyz in Radost in August for the first time. We liked the international cooperation so much, that we’re having 2 Dresden guys here again. This time, they will come with broken and flat beat as well. Oliver Harrlich plays all kinds of stuff, breaks, electro, also flat beat, it’s going to be colorful ..his colleague Dominik Raiser, who’s fond of house and techno, and plays in Dresden and Stuttgart will hit us with German techno. Dominik is also part of the Easty Boys project. Kevi Anavi and Violetta will join the guests with their usual stuff. Come to Radost, and check out our new German friends having their first appearance in Bratislava!

Oliver Herrlich (Dresden | Loner)
Dominik Raiser (Stuttgart/Dresden | Ausschank Ost, Easty Boys)
Kevi Anavi

Entry: 3,– €
Style: Techno, house, electro, breakz

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Zdroj: Minimax